Irish Botanica

Irish Botanica Mushroom - Organic Lion's Mane 500mg (60 Caps)

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At Irish Botanica, we keep things simple; by choosing suppliers who share our faith in the natural process, suppliers who do as little as possible with the raw ingredients so they stay pure and potent. We test rigorously to ensure the final product is as wonderful as the plants and herbs we began with. At Irish Botanica we simply package and deliver natural goodness.

- Irish Brand 
- Ethically sourced and produced
- Suitable for vegetarians and vegans 

Lion's Mane got its name from the mushroom appearance of a cascade of white strands which looks like a mane. It has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine.

Recommended Use

4-6 a day with water


500mg Hericium Erinaceus per capsule (425mg mycelial Biomass, 75mg fruiting body powder)

Lion's Mane

The Lion's Mane mushroom, also known as 'hou tou gu' or 'yamabushitake,' is native to Asia and may be found in China, Japan, and Korea. It was discovered around 2,000 years ago in mountainous regions. The mushrooms appear white and globe-shaped with long, shaggy spines. They grow in the same way as a lion’s mane, which is where the fungi name originates.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom may be used both in the kitchen and as a herbal remedy. It can be consumed raw, cooked, dried, or used to make tea. Their extracts are commonly found in over-the-counter herbal treatments, such as Irish Botanica's Lion's Mane capsules and powder. Bioactive compounds found in lion's mane mushrooms have favorable benefits on the body, particularly the heart from a compound called hericenone B (Mori et al.,2010), and the stomach by inhibiting the growth of H. pylori (Wang et al.,2015). It is also abundant in potassium, which contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure, and iron, which contributes to normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Irish botanicas Lion’s Mane powder is not water soluble and therefore should be blended with liquid or mixed with other foods. We suggest a pineapple-cucumber smoothie, to brighten up your morning. As each tablespoon contains 3000mg, just one serving should be consumed each day.

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Irish Botanica Mushroom - Organic Lion&